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Meet the Kambo Family: The Heart Behind Ciliegia Villa

At the heart of Ciliegia Villa in Osoyoos, BC, is the Kambo family. With a rich history rooted in agriculture and a passion for hospitality, the Kambos have added agri-tourism accommodations to their property. Let's take a closer look at their journey and the dedication that goes into making Ciliegia Villa a unique and welcoming place for visitors.

From New Delhi to the Okanagan: A New Beginning

Ranbir Kambo's journey started as a city boy from New Delhi. In 1977, he moved to Abbotsford, BC, when he married Shinder. Shinder grew up on her family's berry farm in Abbotsford, bringing a wealth of agricultural knowledge and experience to their partnership. Their move to the Okanagan was driven by a job opportunity Ranbir had with a food supplier and distributor. This role provided valuable insights into produce sales, which later benefited him as a grower. When the chance to buy a farm in Osoyoos arose, Ranbir seized the opportunity, setting the stage for their new life and farming venture in the Okanagan.

Overcoming Challenges in Farming

Farming in Osoyoos presented its own set of challenges. The primary issue was a shortage of labor, coupled with the unpredictability of the weather and market conditions. Each year was a gamble, with no certainty of return on investment. Despite these obstacles, the Kambos persevered, driven by their passion for agriculture and their commitment to their farm.

Industry Leadership, Environmental Stewardship, and Community Involvement

Ranbir's contributions to the agricultural community extend beyond his own farm. He played a crucial role in the initiation of the seasonal agricultural worker program, which has brought much-needed labor to the province of British Columbia. His involvement in various industry associations and agricultural politics has led to significant improvements and advancements in the field. Ranbir has also been a strong advocate for environmental stewardship, implementing projects like re-establishing a pond on their property to enhance biodiversity and protect endangered species. His dedication to the industry is reflected in his service on numerous boards and committees, always striving for the betterment of the farming industry and sustainability.

The Birth of Ciliegia Villa: A Vision Realized

Inspired by the natural beauty of Osoyoos and recognizing the need for a second source of income due to the unpredictability of the farming industry, the Kambos envisioned creating an agri-tourism accommodation. However, at the time, municipal laws did not allow for tourism on agricultural land. Ranbir's determination led him to advocate for change. As a member of the official community planning committee to re-plan the bylaws of rural Osoyoos, a proposal was made and approved for the agritourism accommodations. A few years later, Ciliegia Villa was built, a testament to Ranbir's resolve and vision. Since opening in 2008, Ciliegia Villa has offered a serene retreat for guests from around the world. Shinder manages the villa, ensuring each guest enjoys a memorable stay. The property features luxurious accommodations, stunning orchard views, and modern amenities, making it an ideal destination for couples, families, and solo travelers alike. Guests frequently praise the warm hospitality, comfort, and beautiful surroundings of Ciliegia Villa.

Book Your Stay

The Kambo family warmly invites you to visit Ciliegia Villa and experience the tranquility and beauty of their farm. Come relax in our luxurious accommodations, enjoy the stunning orchard and lake views, and immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere of Osoyoos, BC. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or a base to explore the Okanagan, Ciliegia Villa is the perfect choice. Book your stay today and become part of our extended family. We look forward to welcoming you to Ciliegia Villa!

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